Tuesday 30 June 2009

Oh yeah! my blogging experience...

I almost forgot that I had to write this last post... end of semester, you know how it is, don't you? pretty busy lately.. anyway, I did enjoy writing on this blog, even if it took plenty of my time, it was kind of a nice homework to do. I like the fact that I had to write about things that I like in life, and about the career I chose to take, so it didn't feel that I was working on an assigment really. The only difficult was the language, because it is kind of hard sometimes just to switch languages like that, so having to write on this blog almost every week helped me to do that with less difficulties. I think it helped me improving my english so I'm happy for that. Now I feel a little more confident about my english and that's good.

I think that blogging in english class was a good way of learning the language, at least how to make sentences and grammar. I think teacher's comments on some of the assigments were very helpful. Another good fact about blogging, at least in my case, is that I got to write an entire blog by myself. I had tried to do it before, last year for some english class as well, but it got completely over me so I just dropped it. Now I know that it isn't that complicated and I wouldn't mind if I have to write another blog in a future, I actually like the idea of having one.

I got a very good blogging experience, in every way.

1 comment:

  1. Pamela,
    I´m glad your experience with blogs was positive. I just don’t understand this contradiction between your first and last posts:

    Post 1: This is my first blog and I hope to be improving my english through the creation of this space.
    Post 2: I got to write an entire blog by myself. I had tried to do it before, last year for some English class as well, but it got completely over me so I just dropped it.

    So, did you work with blogs in Level 2 as well?

    Oh yeah! my blogging experience...
    I almost forgot that I had to write this last post... end of semester, you know how it is, don't you? pretty busy lately.. anyway, I did enjoy writing on this blog, even if it took plenty of my time, it was kind of a nice homework to do. I like the fact that I had to write about things that I like in life, and about the career I chose to take, so it didn't feel that I was working on an assiNgment really. The only difficultY was the language, because it is kind of hard sometimes just to switch languages like that, so having to write on this blog almost every week helped me to do that with less difficulties. I think it helped me improving my English so I'm happy for that. Now I feel a little more confident about my English and that's good.

    I think that blogging in English class was a good way of learning the language, at least how to make sentences and grammar. I think THE teacher's comments on some of the assigments were very helpful. Another good fact about blogging, at least in my case, is that I got to write an entire blog by myself. I had tried to do it before, last year for some English class as well, but it got completely over me so I just dropped it. Now I know that it isn't that complicated and I wouldn't mind if I haD to write another blog in THE future, I actually like the idea of having one.

    I got a very good blogging experience, in every way.
