Friday 19 June 2009


One of my favourite subject is Mathematics, because it makes me open my mind and the world around me.
I had to take this class the first year I got into this university. It was not easy, because it required a lot of time to study. My mathematic's teacher, Cristian Reyes, was very good. I like the methodology he uses to teach. He likes to demostrate different arithmetic and calculus functions as he trys to get us to help him to elaborate those demostrations. Everything that I learnt and the mathematical thinking that I got by doing all that math's studying is very useful to me now and I can make use of it in other areas like physics, chemistry, genetics and statistics for example.

I believe that mathematics is very essential to different careers, even if it is a hard science, I think it should be taught in all careers with no exemption. I say this because in Anthropology, this subject is not given due its "pure mathematical nature", and I'm not agree whit that, because mathematics is a formal science, which are essential in formulating and evaluating hypothese, theories, and laws, both in discovering and describing how things work (natural sciences) and how people think and act (social sciences), so mathematics constitutes the basis for every method of analysis that we use doing investigation, and I think it would really helps us if we can understand it
Another reason I got to like it, is because by learning mathematics I exercise my mind turning it more agile which is good for the daily living

1 comment:

  1. Pamela,
    Are you sure you’re writing the posts by yourself? I can’t help wondering if this is so, because your oral English and your first posts don’t live up to the level of your written performance in these latest posts.
    Here’s the corrected post.

    One of my favourite subjectS is Mathematics, because it makes me open my mind and SEE/UNDERSTAND the world around me.
    I had to take this class the first year I got into this university. It was not easy, because it required a lot of time to study. My mathematic's teacher, Cristian Reyes, was very good. I like the methodology he uses to teach. He likes to demostrate different arithmetic and calculus functions as he trIEs to get us to help him to elaborate those demostrations. Everything that I learnt and the mathematical thinking that I got by doing all that math's studying is very useful to me now and I can make use of it in other areas like physics, chemistry, genetics and statistics, for example.

    I believe that mathematics is very essential to different careers, even if it is a hard science, I think it should be taught in all careers with no exemption. I say this because in Anthropology, this subject is not given due its "pure mathematical nature", and I DON’T agree wITH that, because mathematics is a formal science, which IS essential in formulating and evaluating hypothese, theories, and laws, both WHEN discovering and describing how things work (natural sciences) and how people think and act (social sciences), so mathematics constitutes the basis for every method of analysis that we use doing investigation, and I think it wILL really help(/) us if we can understand it
    Another reason I got to like it, is because by learning mathematics I exercise my mind turning it more agile which is good for the daily living.
