Friday 8 May 2009

This is the photograph that I like!

This picture was taken by a friend on Easter holidays in San Esteban two years ago. It shows children playing in a playground, that was built by a group of friends and I, in a poor suburb of that city.
We thought this proyect to make local children happy. Before the construction of the playground, this place was a very ugly and contaminated landfill. It was a hard job to make that place look as pretty and enjoyable as you can see in the picture. those kids were really excited after we were done with the construction.

This picture remember me all the trouble we had to go through in order to get this place running, because, like I said before, it wasn't easy. We had to get permission from the community first, then go to buy all the construction's materials to start working on it and we only had one weekend, so it was a pretty tight schedule. It took us two days to get the playground ready for the big opening.
We were 12 happy hardworker-friends looking to all those kids playing and laughing on their new game's place, and that was the most amazing moment of all.

We had a lot of fun working as a team, specially knowing that we were going to make others happy with our work.
All this made me feel that if you really want to do something, it is possible to make it happen.
I'm very proud of what we did.

So now you know why this picture is so special to me, and those children smiling are the best :)


  1. Did not know this aspect of your personality, so a social conscience. The picture is very pretty and your comment touched me.


  2. Thanks for your commentary en my photo, I liked very much. I like your photo too, you and me share the love for the children :)

    It's interesting what you wrote about the social work. It does you a beautiful person even more!!

  3. hey Pam really good's cool to do good things for other persons, this kids looks very excited!

  4. Pamela,
    It's a good thing that there are people like you who care for deprived children.
    please try and correct the following:
    -We thought this proyect to make local children happy
    -This picture remember me
    -construction's materials
    -on their new game's place
