Friday 15 May 2009

My Career

I decided to study Physical Antropology becouse is a career that is a mix of different areas. These are, social and cultural vision, medical knowledge and arqueologycal methods. Other reason is that I like investigation and whit this I can descover and resolve some problems in actual and ancient.
Professionals contribute to society of differents ways. First, someone investigate genetics deceases and how these are present in different populations. Other professionals have been dedicated to osteopathology, that are asociated whit life ways, and they make use of this knowledge to help people in prevention of this posibilitates of get a pathology. Finally, they contribute to re-built the prehistory and hystori, showing us, how did people live in that time.
Tools that need to continue working are tecnology to work some samples. We need continue stdynd becouse the cience progess and we must stay preparated to physical antropology advance.
My favourite subject is genetics, becouse I can study microsamples that will show me differents changes in the populations. Genetics is a area very complete, where biologycal evolution can ber described for this area, becouse of, other component, like natular selection, associated to wheather, depredation, demography, etc, are more difficult of investigated.
Physical Antropology is a science that must continue working and developing, becouse it can give us some much answer of differet byological process.

1 comment:

  1. Pamela,
    Genetics sounds very interesting. I hope you become a specialist on that when you graduate.
    I can see that you are using words to present an organized post. Good!
    Here you are some things that need improving:

    (becouse [ ] is a career): subject missing
    (Other reason is): Compare: another day / other days- another girl / other girls, etc.
    (resolve some problems): solve
    (in actual and ancient.)Do you mean: ‘old and new problems’ or ‘now and then’?
    (contribute to society of differents ways): in different ways. (adjectives never change, they never add ‘s’. Ex. sano, sana, sanos, sanas = healthy
    (someone investigate); Use past tense here.
    ( that are asociated whit life ways,): this is not very clear.
    (in prevention of this posibilitates of get a pathology): these possibilities to get...
    (to re-built) re-build
    ([ ] tools that need to continue): “Algunas herramientas que... = Some tools...
    (We need continue stdynd): need to continue studying
    (becouse the cience progess): (a) Don’t use ‘the’ to talk something in general. (b) Say: I progress, they progress, he progresses, she progresses, etc
    (Genetics is a area very complete,): The word order is : a very complete area.
    (becouse of, other component, (...) are more difficult of investigated). Because + subject + verb: because other components are more difficult to be investigated
    (give us some much answer of): so many answers about...
